About us
Home is not only our apartment and place of living and working, but also our city, country and planet. It is important what kind of environment we live in. Green, clean, eco, sustainable, carbon-neutral cities without cars, maximum pedestrian zones, cycling, walking paths, employer-subsidized annual costs for public transport, green facades, green roofs, green offices, green classrooms, anti-noise green embankments along railway lines, highways. Parking on the outskirts of the city with free and frequent public transport with solar panels on the roofs of public vehicles to the city center, greening of parking lots, ecological islands, fences. Significantly greater positive balance between green and built-up areas. Trees, and especially the Sequoia species around industrial and other major pollutants, will help us by processing the most CO2 and other emissions and contributing to reducing pollution and a lower carbon footprint.
Maximally open glass surfaces on the southern facades would increase the free passive heating of the premises. Maximal use of solar tubes in all underground rooms, basements, tunnels, rooms on the north side, installation of solar panels on flat green roofs would reduce energy consumption. The installation of meter water collectors, on the northern facades, enabled autonomy, independence, self-sufficiency and an economical attitude towards water, which will eventually be the greatest and most valuable asset. All this would reduce the warming of the urban area, the planet, the home in which we live. Noise, light and emission pollution would be reduced. A city by example: a city in a garden, a park.
Reduction of waste by 90%, limitation of use and removal of the biggest environmental pollutants: excess concrete, metal, plastic, VOC, emissions.
1 m3 of plastic releases 5 tons, 1 m3 of iron 15 tons and 1 m3 of aluminum 25 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere in 60 years.
CO2 storage calculator: https://www.trae.dk/artikel/co2-lagerberegner/
We strive for good practice of communal equipment, self-sufficiency, exemplary urban planning solutions, higher hygienic environmental standards, construction methods with CO2 storage, a neutral CO2 footprint, which is based on construction with natural materials, enabling maximum comfort and energy efficiency. Putting people, their health, nature and the environment first, before financial absorption, transport and other industry, which in the long term, gives more than good, essentially pollutes, destroys and destroys.
We guide you through the process of building with a carbon neutral footprint:
EcoCocon manufactures a wall system with highly insulating panels made of 98% natural and renewable materials.
1m2 EcoCoon straw wall panels weigh only 55 kg and store twice as much CO2. Although EcoCoon walls store a lot of carbon, we do not consider them carbon negative, but rather carbon neutral. A building built according to the passive house standard emits only about 1 ton of CO2 per year due to heating and cooling (6 to 10 times less than a standard building). So it would take 65 years for an EcoCoon building to emit the same amount of carbon dioxide as it would released by a normal building before it would even be used.
In addition to storing a huge amount of CO2, the EcoCocon wall system has a very low carbon footprint of the production process. The environmental statement on the product shows that only 2.48 kg of CO2 is emitted during the production of 1 m2 of EcoCocon panels. Compared to other common types of walls, the difference is striking. Calculations are made in the BauBook system, so the values are comparable.
The design with natural materials offers a healthy environment for your growth and stay, provides excellent indoor air quality, high acoustic comfort. An example of good, eco-friendly, green construction in the field of sustainable development, circular economy, low-carbon and clean energy.
• based on the data on the final square footage of facades without openings, you get an approximate estimate,
• when you have a building permit and PZI,
• a technical panel project for installation is prepared and you obtain an offer based on this,
• after a 50% advance, production begins
• during this time, prepare the construction site and the foundation of the building according to the legislation
(access to the construction site must be suitable for a truck for international transport 17 m long, ideally a hard surface, non-muddy, non-slippery, at least 3 m wide and
turning radius min. 12 m)
• delivery within 4 weeks after full payment
• you can install it yourself or we can help you find an installation team. Alternatively, you can use the option of hiring our already established assembly group and our quality control of the installation of EcoCocon wall panels.
With responsibility, respect for nature, the future of our children, climate neutral, healthy, designed so that it can be safely returned to nature after use. Installation without problems: up to 6 floors in height. Average speed 22 minutes/m2/person or 60m2/day/ with 3 installers.